Corporate Profile

Company Name: HeteroDB,Inc

Location: 5-13-15, Kita-shinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan
(zipcode: 141-0001)

Estabslishment: 4th-July-2017

Legal capital: 9.99M JPY

CEO: KaiGai Kohei

Business Area: Sales and support of big-data processing software

Consulting service at database, GPU and Linux technology

Development of database and open source software

Contact: ✉:

℡: +81(3)-6409-6445

CEO Profile

KaiGai Kohei

He has more than 10 years experiences for open source software development like PostgreSQL, Linux kernel and so on. He is also known as a major contributor in the PostgreSQL community due to enhancement of security feature and development of FDW/CSP.

He released the first version of PG-Strom in 2012, then has focused on database acceleration technology using GPU/SSD. In 2017, he established HeteroDB,Inc for productization of this technology.

2007, Genius programmer/super creator award by IPA. 2014, OSS contributor's award by Japan OSS Promotion Forum.

Bachelor of computer science, University of Tsukuba. Master of business administration, University of Tsukuba.

As a member of open source community

Contributions for PostgreSQL development

Talks at community conferences